The Ordnance QF 2-pounder (quick-firing) was a lightweight 40mm anti-aircraft gun of the British Navy. It was first in 1929 (in 1935, four times later in stand-alone installation) and was introduced as an eight-carriage and used throughout the Second World War and then in the British Navy. Because of the typical staggered firing rate of the individual tubes, the gun of the soldier was also called “Pom-Pom.”
The origins of the gun go back to the First World War. It had been recognized from their experiments that the Air Force could be dangerous in attacks on ships, also gained increasing importance of the aircraft carrier as well as modern weaponry. It was, therefore, imperative to strengthen the air defense armament of the vessel.
During the defense of high-flying bombers was planned in conjunction with the HACS fire control system, the 10.2-inch gun, machine gun and multitubular were provided for protection against torpedo bombers. These should be developed on the basis of the derived from the World War 2-pounder Mark II gun Vickers achtrohrige a gun carriage. The aim was to use the existing stocks in large amounts of 2-Pfündermunition. The precursor of this gun was, in turn, developed during the 1890s Maxim – Nordenfelt 1-pounder rapid-fire gun (37 mm “pom-pom”), whose design was acquired in 1897 by Vickers.
Vickers and Armstrong Whitworth began in the early twenties with the development. Vickers was able to beat the competitors in the field and unveiled in 1923 a dummy of the gun. Lack of funding delayed the first test in 1927 (the same year merged with Vickers-Armstrong Whitworth), and until the end of 1930, the first mass-produced guns on HMS Valiantcould be installed. Gradually, the gun at all Battleships, battle cruisers, and heavy cruisers n was introduced. Later, a quadruple gun mount for light cruisers and destroyers, for the eight-ling was too heavy, was introduced.
Several established in the broadside guns of the ship were able to lay against attacking aircraft due to its high rate an actual fire curtain in front of the boat. The pom-pom guns were the basis for the weapons used today for short-range defense, such as the Phalanx CIWS.
The gun was Panettiere eight times or four times. Innovative at the time of development was the use of a loading frame. This invention of the Bofors company was taken over by the Elswick Ordnance Company (part of the former Armstrong Whitworth Group).
In a framework of eight concatenated link belts were housed, each containing 14 cartridges. This was at a rate of fire per tube of about 115 rounds / ensuring a continuous supply of ammunition min. Basically, the gun was designed so that the side directional range was 360 °. Since, however, the ship structures limited the side guide portion, the bottom plate was designed so that it could restrict this area.
Due to the relatively small caliber length (L/39), a muzzle velocity of 585 m / s was only achieved. This was accompanied by a maximum range of about 3500 m. This problem was solved in 1938 by the introduction of a new version for cartridges with enlarged fuel, with the muzzle velocity set to 700 m / increased.
But she was still behind that the 40 mm Bofors L/60 gun (810 m / s), which the Royal Navy introduced in 1941. The weapon remained in production throughout the war since the Bofors guns could not be produced in sufficient quantities. The problem initially was the lack of tracers, which were available only from 1942.
Each run of the achtrohrigen gun was loaded separately. The artillery operating crew consisted of eight men, including a gun control officer and one elevator and gunner. The gun barrels were firing, not simultaneously delayed. A gunner team served all eight tubes. It was responsible for target acquisition and target serving.
Later, the guns could be roughly arranged via radars on board their ship. Turn the fine adjustment taken before the gunner. The firing of the gun was made by operating a crank (controlled, variable rate of fire) or by pressing a button with the help of an electric motor.
Technical Specifications
•Caliber - 40 mm
•Elevation range - 5 ° / +90 °
•Muzzle velocity - 700 m / s
•Effective shot altitude - 1525 m